Child Height Predictor Calculator

Estimate The Adult Height Of Your Kids Baby Toddler Or Teen

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Note, this calculator or tool provides an estimate of how tall a child will be as an adult. It might not be 100% accurate for all cases. Height depends on many factors such as genetics, nutrition, environment and health. A doctor or pediatrician should be consulted if you believe your child is too short or tall.

This app estimates or predicts the future adult height of a child, toddler, baby or teen based on two methods. The method selected depends on age. For children below the age of four, the calculator uses the Mid-Parent rule. For children above the age of four, the predictions are based on the Khamis-Roche Method. In addition, the calculator estimates the length the child has left to grow.

The Mid-Parent Rule is a simple formula to calculate adult height. It is based solely on the height of the parents and the child's gender. The height of the opposite gender parent is adjusted or multiplied by a factor. For fathers, the factor is 12/13. For mothers, the factor is 12/13. The adjusted factor is averaged with the other non-adjusted parent to solve the projected adult height.

The Khamis-Roche method is valid for children above the age of four. It uses age, gender, child height and weight, mother height and father height. It uses a table of scaling factors and equations based on age for the prediction. It is considered an accurate predictor. The Bone-Age method is the only procedure which is more accurate than the Khamis-Roche Method. However, the Bone-Age method requires an x-ray. For more information, see the reference.

Reasons why people have different heights:

Generally, taller parents tend to have taller children than shorter parents.
However, there are many reasons why different people are of different heights.

At what age do we stop growing

As you get older, your body stops growing. The growth plates in your long bones close around age 20. However, some people's growth plates may not close until age 30. Typically, this means that if you have yet to reach your full height in your twenties, this is what your height will be for life.

Height is a genetic trait:

One of the most common questions about height is, "Why are some people taller than others?" The answer lies in genetics. A child inherits genes from both parents, making them more likely to be tall or shorter than average. Height is a genetic trait. Genes play a significant role in determining how tall we grow. Genes control a person's development. You inherit it from your parents and pass it on to your children.
Your genes may also play a role in
Genes are responsible for about 80% of the variation in height among individuals within a population. The rest comes from environmental factors like diet and exercise habits that can affect how fast you grow as a child.
In addition, you may be genetically predisposed to being shorter than average. For example, a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that about 1 in 3 people with short stature had a mutation in a gene called growth hormone receptor (GHR), which regulates growth hormone levels and plays a vital role in regulating body composition, specifically bone mass and muscle mass.

Food and nutrition

Eating habits play a role in how tall you grow. The amount of food you eat and the nutrients it provides can influence your height. When you're young, your body needs more nutrients and calories than an adult. That's because it's growing and maturing at a rapid pace. If you don't get enough calories, or if your diet lacks certain nutrients such as protein (which helps build muscle) or calcium, this can affect your body's ability to reach its full potential size and growth rate. This could lead to shorter stature as an adult than normal for families with similar genetics. It is referred to as stunted growth.

Exercise can affect height

A study by the University of California San Francisco found that physical activity can make children taller. The study found that moderate to vigorous physical activity during childhood can increase height by 0.4 cm per month, and vigorous physical exercise can increase height by 1.2 cm per month.
It is important to note that the study was not measuring how much exercise children did outside of school but rather how much they did during school hours through physical education classes or after-school sports programs.
Children who participated in these physical activities were found to be 1.3 cm taller than those who did not participate in them at all. This may seem small, but it could mean the difference between being short and being average height for your age group.

Poor posture and height

There are many reasons why poor posture can lead to a reduced growth rate. The curvature of your spine is affected by how straight you stand. If you slouch or curl your shoulders forward, it will cause the vertebrae in your neck to bend forward. This makes it difficult for your head to sit directly above your shoulders. One of the most common causes is the curvature of the spine. When a child has poor posture, there is an increased likelihood of developing scoliosis, a condition where the spine curves sideways or backward. This can cause the vertebrae to fuse, restricting movement and reducing available space for the spinal cord and other structures.
The effects of poor posture on growing children are particularly worrying because they can have long-lasting consequences. The human skeleton continues to grow until around age 25, so if your child starts with incorrect posture, this could affect their entire life. Poor posture can also lead to headaches, neck pain, and back pain, making it harder for them to breathe correctly while sleeping or exercising.

Calculation Instructions:

  1. Select Units
    • ft in lb - Standard units for foot, inch and US pound.
    • cm kg - Metric units for centimeter and kilogram
  2. Select Gender - Choose male for boys and female for girls.
  3. Child's Birthday - Enter the date your son or daughter was born. Note, this is used to determine which method is used for calculations.
  4. Child's Height - The current measured height of the child. Note, this is only used to determine the additional growth of the child when using the Mid-Parent Rule.
  5. Child's Weight - The current weight of the child. Note, this is not used when using the Mid-Parental Rule.
  6. Mother's Height - The current height of the mother.
  7. Father's Height - The current height of the father.


  1. Predicted Height - The estimated height when the child reaches adulthood or full height.
  2. Additional Growth - The length the child has remaining to grow.
  3. Current Age - The age of the child in years.
  4. Method - The method used for prediction (Mid-Parent Rule or Khamis-Roche Method).
  5. Graph Plot - Shows the child's current height and additional growth and the height of the parents.


  1. Gray, Horace. "Prediction of Adult Stature". Child Development Volume 19 Number 3. 3 September 1948. Society for Research in Child Development.
  2. Khamis, Harry J and Roche, Alex F. "Predicting Adult Stature Without Using Skeletal Age: The Khamis-Roche Method". Pediatrics. October 1994. American Academy of Pediatrics.

Child Height Predictor:

Child Height Predictor - Predict Adult Height

CDC Recommended Growth Charts:

The United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends using the World Health Organization (WHO) charts for the first two year of life (0 to 2 years). After two years, it is recommended to return to the CDC charts.

Weight-Age (WHO 0-2 years) Length-Age (WHO 0-2 years) Weight-Length (WHO 0-2 years) Head Circumference-Age (WHO 0-2 years)

Weight-Age (CDC 2-20 Years) Stature-Age (CDC 2-20 Years) Weight-Stature (CDC 2-20 Years)

CDC Growth Charts:

Weight-Age (CDC 0-3 years) Length-Age (CDC 0-3 years) Weight-Length (CDC 0-3 years) Head Circumference-Age (CDC 0-3 years) Weight-Age (CDC 2-20 Years) Stature-Age (CDC 2-20 Years) Weight-Stature (CDC 2-20 Years)

WHO Growth Charts:

Weight-Age (WHO 0-5 years) Length-Age (WHO 0-2 years) Height-Age (WHO 2-5 years) Weight-Length (WHO 0-2 years) Weight-Height (WHO 2-5 years) Head Circumference-Age (WHO 0-5 years)

Chinese Growth Charts:

Weight-Age (China 0-18 years) Length-Age (China 0-3 years) Height-Age (China 3-18 years) Head Circumference-Age (China 0-6 years) Weight-Length (China 0-3 years) Weight-Height (China 3-18 years)

Preterm Infant Growth Charts:

Weight-Age (23-41 Gestational Weeks) Length-Age (23-41 Gestational Weeks) Head Circumference-Age (23-41 Gestational)

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